SMA 6 and SMA 70 to seek peace

Friday, October 12, 2012

Hundreds of students of the neighboring SMA 6 and SMA 70 high schools in South Jakarta showed up at Menara 165 building on Jl. TB Simatupang in South Jakarta on Thursday Morning.
The high schools have a long history of rivalry but on this occasion fighting was not on the agenda.
Ingrained animosity and hostility was put behind them and instead of weapons the students were brandishing imaginary lassos and riding on imaginary horses to the tune of South Korean rapper Psy’s hit song Gangnam Style.
The event was part of the popular “Emotional and Spiritual Quotient Way” motivational training (ESQ) and was attended by more than 500 students from both schools.
Deputy Education and Culture Minister Musliar Kaslim suggested that the schools participated in the training to reduce hostility between the students after the recent incident that claimed the life of SMA 6 student, Alawy Yusianto Putra.
According to Musliar the experience aimed to encourage remorse from the students.
“(The event hopes) to develop awareness and self conscience. I’m sure none of you want to be harmed and ganged up on by your friends,” he said during an address to the participants of the training, as quoted by
SMA 70 principal Saksono Liliek Sutanto said that the event had been planned following the violent incident, and added that it was provided for free and would be divided in three sessions.
Today’s session was attended by students of the tenth. Eleventh and twelfth graders will also have the opportunity to participate.
The ESQ program was created by an Indonesian entrepreneur and motivational speaker Ary Ginanjar Agustian in 2000 based on Islamic teachings.


Alamanda said...

Bingung juga nih ane, anak-nak zaman sekarang itu kebanyakan ngapain coba kerjaannya tawuran melulu. Padahal sebagaian dari mereka, bahkan hampir dari anggota tawuran itu pada gak ngerti sebab mereka twauran (ikut-ikutan aja). Nice sharing gan ^^

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