Cozy Ambiance, Great Cocktails, Food N' Sexy Sound
Hospitality and Speed of Service formed an ambiance for its customer beside detail and aesthetic value by the interior concept of Adsbar it self.
Beside International Drinks, Adsbar created Home made cocktails which is made by its professional bartender with uniquely names and taste Adsbar specialty and we provided food to finger food and buffet arrangements(in eq : birthday party, gathering or private party launching).
By concerning the quality of sound system, we selected variety of music type or genre when the DJ perform, during Happy Hour( 17.00-22.00pm ) the music played through our music library from our computer that being set only for music programming and we provided WI-FI to fulfill customer business orientation.
We also have 3 TV Plasma and fully equipped by its projector.
We also have 3 TV Plasma and fully equipped by its projector.
Customer Treatment :
Friendly treatment
Speed of service
Personal customers approached
Friendly treatment
Speed of service
Personal customers approached

DJS ( House, soulful, dirty house, commercial and progressive house )
Music library ( Top 40, classic disco, garage )
genre music
sport live ( season )
top models and dancer
Address:Plaza Kemang 88. Jl Kemang Raya no.88. Jakarta
Phone 021-7193418
follow me :D
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